الأحد، 8 مارس 2009

Theme 5: The Physical World: Vocabulary

Theme 5: The Physical World
Listening Vocabulary
border (n and v): a line separating two countries or other areas. يتاخم – يحدّ – حد
continent ( n ): one of the large land masses of the earth such as Europe, Asia or Africa . قارّة
hometown (n): the place where you were born or lived as a child. مسقط رأس – بلد المنشأ
locate ( v ): to put or build something in a particular place. / to find the exact position of somebody/something. يعين موضع شيء أو حدوده . يقيم أو ينشئ في مكان معين يكتشف موضع شيء
location (n): a place where something happens or exists / the position of something.موقع/ موضع
The Tropic of Cancer ( n ): a line running across the northern hemisphere of the earth. It is located at 23.5° North of the equator and runs through Mexico, the Bahamas, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, India, and southern China. مدار السرطان
The Tropic of Capricorn (n): a line running across the southern hemisphere of the earth. It lies at 23.5° South of the equator and runs through Australia, Chile, southern Brazil , and northern South Africa. مدار الجدي

Speaking Vocabulary

Africa (n): The Second largest continent on Earth. قارة إفريقيا
America (n): a land mass of the western hemisphere consisting of the continents of North and South America joined by the Isthmus of Panama. قارتي أمريكا الشمالية و الجنوبية
Asia (n): the largest of the world's continents. قارة آسيا
Europe (n): The Second smallest continent on Earth. قارة أوربا
Oceania (n): a large region of the world consisting of the Pacific islands and the seas around them. Oceania includes more than 10,000 islands, with an area of about 821,000 sqKm. أوقيانوسيا التي تدعى أيضاً أوسيانيا هي إحدى قارات العالم. أهم البلاد فيها هي أستراليا
The Middle East (n): The area that includes countries or regions in Southwest Asia and parts of North Africa. الشرق الأوسط

Reading Vocabulary

coastline ( n ): the land along a coast, especially when you are thinking of its shape or appearance. خط ساحلي
compass ( n ): an instrument for finding direction . بوصلة
cover ( v ): to lie or spread over the surface of something. يغطي - يشمل
desert ( n ): a large area of land that has very little water and very few plants growing on it. صحراء
holy (adj): connected with ِAllah or a religion . مقدّس – ديني
landscape ( n ): everything you can see when you look across a large area of land. صور الطبيعه – منظر طبيعي
marshes (n): an area of low land that is always soft and wet because there is nowhere for the water to flow away to مستنقع – سبخة .
occupy ( v ): to enter a place in a large group and take control of it, especially by military force / fill or take up (a space or time). يَشْغَل . يحتلّ . يستغرق
permanent (adj): existing all the time / lasting for a long time or for all time in the future. دائم/ باقٍ
peninsula ( n ): an area of land that is almost surrounded by water but is joined to a larger piece of land . شبه جزيرة
region ( n ): a large area of land, usually without exact limits or borders . إقليم - منطقة
situated (adj ): in a particular place or position . كائن – قائم – واقع
slope (v): to be at an angle rather than being straight or vertical يَميل - ينحدر

Writing Vocabulary
feature ( n ): something important, interesting or typical of a place or thing. ملامح – هيئة صورة - ميزة
مساهمة من الأستاذ: سعيد عبدالواحد

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