الثلاثاء، 23 سبتمبر 2008

A List of Vocabulary Items & their Meanings: page 17

Look up meanings of the following words:

advertisement (n) announcement (…………………)
advice (n) suggestion (…………………)
advise (v) to suggest/advise (…………………)
borrow (v) have a loan of (…………………)
club (n) association (…………………)
communicate (v) converse (…………………)
encyclopedia (n) information book (…………………)
fact (n) truth (…………………)
index (v) alphabetical listing (…………………)
information (n) details about sth (…………………)
leaflet (n) booklet (…………………)
librarian (n) a person in charge of (…………………)
look up (v) search for meanings (…………………)
magazine (n) periodical (…………………)
meet (v) get together (…………………)
profile (n) a brief biography (…………………)
reference book (n) a widely detailed book (…………………)
research (n) investigate (…………………)
search engine (n) a website contains information about sth/sb(…………………) source (n) foundation (…………………)
webcam (n) internet camera (…………………)
website (n) a location on WWW/internet (…………………)

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